Bright Ideas - The Natural Start Blog

Bright Ideas

Call for Presenters: 2015 Nature-Based Preschool National Conference

December 11, 2014

Submit a proposal to join the conversation about advancing the nature-based early childhood education profession. Read More

Little School Takes on Toys R Us in New Video

December 4, 2014

The Juniper Hill School, a place-based preschool in Maine, has posted a video to answer last year's Toys R Us commercial that disparaged environmental education. Read More

Support Natural Start on #GivingTuesday

December 2, 2014

What do you support on #GivingTuesday? When you support Natural Start, we reach more educators and parents, and ensure that children in every community get the nature-rich early education experiences that they need to thrive. Read More

Working Forum on Design and Nature Coming This Spring

November 25, 2014

This spring, the World Forum Foundation's Global Collaborative OnDesign and Nature Action Collaborative for Children will be hosting the first-ever Working Forum on Design and Nature: Designing Inspiring and Effective Spaces for Children. Read More

Resource Review: Taking Learning Outdoors

November 25, 2014

Here's a summary of the resource reviews in the latest issue of the International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education focused on taking learning outdoors. Read More

Nature-Based Preschool National Conference Dates Announced

November 24, 2014

Save the date to connect with nature-based preschool educators from around the country at the third Nature-Based Preschool National Conference August 19-22 in Georgia. Read More

New Issue of International Journal of Environmental Education Available

October 31, 2014

The second volume of this free online journal is now available and includes research, articles, and more. Read More

Join Natural Start at NAEYC in Dallas!

October 29, 2014

Will you be at the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) 2014 Conference in Dallas this November? If so, be sure to connect with Natural Start while you're there. Read More

Outdoor Experiences Build Confidence and Environmental Stewardship in Girls

October 22, 2014

A new report from Girl Scouts finds that time spent outdoors boosts girls' confidence, problem solving, and environmental stewardship. Read More

New Journal Issue Focuses on Greening Early Childhood Education

October 21, 2014

This special issue of Children, Youth and Environments explores the outcomes associated with bringing nature into early childhood education and the benefits it provides for early development. Read More
