Bright Ideas
Chicago-Area Educators: Nature Play Conference in May
February 20, 2015

Join this unique professional development event, featuring keynote speaker, Dr. Patti Ensel Bailie, Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education at University of Maine at Farmington and founding director of the Schlitz Audubon Nature Preschool in Milwaukee, WI.
Through interactive workshops (or “playshops”), participants will learn the benefits children receive from nature play, how nature play fulfills curriculum and program goals, and ways to integrate nature play into your program, whether you have access to outdoor spaces or not. In addition, individuals will come away with numerous new, hands-on ideas for nature play that can be immediately integrated into work with young children.
Sessions will be led by experts from a variety of educational and environmental backgrounds. The conference is organized by the Alliance for Early Childhood and the Chicago Botanic Garden. Special thanks to the Planning Committee Members from the Backyard Nature Center, Greeley Elementary School, Forest Preserves of Cook County, Kohl Children’s Museum, Northfield Community Nursery School, Lake Forest Open Lands, Winnetka Park District, and the Wilmette Public Library.
Inspiring Nature Play: Digging Deeper
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Fee: $40 (includes lunch, parking, and PD Hours)
Grade Level: Birth – Grade 3
PD Hours: 6
Registration is available here.