Bright Ideas
Webinar: A New Narrative to Sustain Support for Early Childhood Education

The child care and preschool field, today, is highly challenged. Communities are pushing for more (at times, universal) access; families, administrators, and lawmakers are demanding “quality;” and the workforce is under-compensated, leading to high turnover and staffing shortages. New federal dollars are flowing to the sector, but there are competing priorities lining up for those investments.
So, how do we speak to the importance of early childhood education and outdoor learning in a way that aligns with the values of current and potential funders?
In this webinar, the Natural Start Alliance, National Wildlife Federation's Early Childhood Health Outdoors (ECHO), and members of the Seven November team (a strategic communications firm) share the findings from a comprehensive messaging analysis initiative around early childhood education. This study was designed to understand the early learning funding communities’ priorities, values, and vocabulary to inform resonate messaging that brings more partners into advancing the work of outdoor learning for the very young.
Download the Report
On the webinar, we discussed the following:
- How is the field talking about early childhood education today?
- What are early childhood education funders prioritizing, and what messaging are they open to hearing?
- How do we bridge the gaps between the field and this new audience, to bring more partners to the work?
- Final messaging and recommendations to implement across the early childhood education space
View a recording of the webinar below:
Additional Resources:
- Findings in practice- Smith Memorial Playground and Parent Infant Center Slide into Success video
- Findings in practice- Briya Outdoor Learning Program video
- Findings in practice- A Safe Place Childcare Center video
- Outdoor Preschool Equity Toolkit
- Outdoor Preschool Policy Action Framework
- Rethink Outside
- Rethink Outside, Getting Kids Outdoors as Early as Possible
- The Equigenic Effect, Children & Nature Network
Meet the Presenters