Register Now for the Nature-Based Preschool Conference
June 27, 2014
Jenn Wright
The Nature-Based Preschool Conference is a professional gathering to provide nature-preschool educators with resources, connections, and inspiration to enhance the world of nature play and education. This year, the conference will be held August 20th-23rd in conjunction with the Association of Nature Center Administrators (ANCA) Annual Summit at the Kalamazoo Nature Center in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
The goal of the conference is to create a forum for educators to share ideas around nature-based education for young children. Conference highlights include:
Wednesday, August 20 (at the Kalamazoo Nature Center)
Welcome evening reception
Thursday, August 21 (at the Nature’s Way Preschool)
Tour the new building at Nature’s Way Preschool and its outdoor areas
Concurrent sessions—Examples include:
Sticks and Fairies: A Waldkindergarten’s Perspective on Gender
Integrating High-Quality Early Childhood Methods
Parent Communication and Involvement
Engaging Parents and the Community Through Special Programs
Nature as a Catalyst for Emerging Curriculum
Demonstrating Children’s Learning: Student portfolios that support assessment and are fun and meaningful for children and families
Hands-on Creative Activities for the Nature Classroom
Preschool in the Woods
Spreading the Word on the Nature-Based Approach to the Early Childhood World
Friday, August 22 (at the Kalamazoo Nature Center)
Facilitated sessions on nature preschool topics such as:
- Sticks as educational tools
- Outdoor play spaces
- Hiking with young children
- Using public policy to advance the nature preschool movement
Panel Discussion: Diverse approaches to nature preschools and their near kin
Saturday, August 23
Off-Site Session Option (additional $25 for transportation): Visit Little Hawks Preschool at the Outdoor Discovery Center in Holland, MI. Also visit several other natural play areas and learn about a recent grant the ODC received to help preschools “green up” their play areas.
On-Site Option (no additional charge): Open Space—participants can offer up specific topics to explore through group sharing and conversation.