Bright Ideas

Support the Strong Start for America's Children Proposal

Adele Robinson, National Association for the Education of Young Children

Children’s early learning experiences set the course for success in school and life.  High-quality programs benefit everyone: children, families, communities—and because of the return on investment, everyone wins.  A significant proposal is being discussed that would give children a stronger start, and our states and communities more prosperity. 



The Legislation

The Strong Start for America’s Children proposal recognizes the importance of starting high-quality early childhood education from birth.  It has three parts:

  1. Provide grants to states to accelerate their work, expanding access and improving quality for prekindergarten programs.
  2. Create Early Head Start-child care partnerships to raise the quality of child care and expand access for infants and toddlers in programs meeting Early Head Start standards.
  3. Voluntary support for families that promotes positive parent-child interaction, healthy child development and family self-sufficiency.

To learn more about the Strong Start for America’s Children Act, visit the NAEYC website, or click here to add your name to the growing list of parents and educators who are showing their support for this important legislation. By signing on, you will receive periodic updates on the status of the legislation and suggestions for other ways to show your support.

Adele Robinson is the Deputy Executive Director, Policy & Public Affairs for the National Assocation for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) 



Strong Start


