Member Spotlight
Little Schoolhouse in the Woods

Little Schoolhouse in the Woods is a nonprofit outdoor early education program based in Cincinnati, Ohio, providing in-home childcare since 2010. The program was founded by Lee and Jason Hamzy, whose love of nature and professional experience in education led them to launch the program from their own two-acre property.
Little Schoolhouse in the Woods uses a child led, play based approach to nature immersed education and educators use interdisciplinary pedagogies to meet the holistic developmental needs of students. During the school year, Little Schoolhouse in the Woods serves 16+ families in the early childhood program and approximately 20+ more families through summer programming.
We connected with Lee Hamzy, one of the program's founders and lead educators to learn more about the inspiration for Little Schoolhouse in the Woods and what makes it special.
Opening your own nature preschool is quite a challenge. Can you tell us what motivated you to launch your own program?
Jason and I hold a long, deep love of nature. The chance opportunity to purchase the 2+acre property was a dream come true. In the heart of Cincinnati, surrounded by 1,400+acres of city park, Mt. Airy Forest, we couldn’t believe our luck! It was the best of city living, but with the feel of being buffered by a deep woods. It was only a matter of time before we found a way to share their blessings with others.
Why did you chose a home-based model?
Being home with a parent and/or family is the most beneficial environment for early childhood, but it isn’t always an option. In our opinion, the next best offering is in-home childcare and home-like settings involving intentional learning environments.
Can you share an accomplishment that you are particularly proud of from the last 12 years?
Jason and I are proud of the transformation the yard has taken. Working with and managing the thick brush of invasive honeysuckle, Jason and I have designed a playspace that works for our program while considering the existing topography. The yard is a good example of maximizing space. Plus, the nature playspace includes lots of fun features for the children, including a “mud kitchen” and large sand pit.
What are you excited to show off during this summer’s tour of Little Schoolhouse in the Woods?
The highlight of the tour will likely be the resident donkey and two goats. Near all of the action, the three animals get a plethora of honeysuckle to munch from the children! Friendly enough to pet, the animals love the attention!
Tour Little Schoohouse in the Woods this summer!
We are thrilled to offer a special opportunity to tour the Little Schoolhouse in the Woods r in person as part of this year's Nature-Based Early Learning Conference in Cincinnati, OH. Learn more about the conference here and explore the opportunity to tour Little Schoolhouse, along with two other amazing nature preschools in the Cincinnati area.