Member Spotlight
Natasha Warner
Child’s Play Family Child Care

Child's Play Family Child Care
“By letting our children lead us to their own special place we can rediscover the joy and wonder of nature.”
- Richard Louv
I stumbled on this quote a few years ago when my journey to create a unique, warm, and loving space that supports children’s exploration and learning. That very quote played a key role in the inspiration for the creation and maintenance of our natural space, “Child’s Play Nature Escape.” Our play space is currently Connecticut’s first and only certified Nature Explore outdoor family childcare classroom. We have children between the ages of 6 weeks-12years in our care, providing both inspiring childcare and preschool.
More about Our Journey
I’ve learned that the outdoor space is not only beneficial to children, but to the adults in their lives as well. Our space is set up to help both children and adults meditate and gain a spiritual connection to the natural world. To accomplish this, we provide children with a place to embrace opportunities where their thoughts are captured and where the joys of life are real.
Our outdoor classroom also includes a variety of other experiences for children such as a Gathering Area, Action Area, Climbing Area, Nature’s Art Area, Music & Movement Area, Building Area, Loose Parts Area, Dirt Digging Area, Sand Area, Water Area, Music Area, and Mud Kitchen Area.
Our plan for the future is to continue to enhance our space to promote a creative atmosphere that connects children to nature and maximize their learning experiences. I think my mother would be proud!
Child's Play can be found online and on facebook.