Bright Ideas

NAAEE Conference to Include Twenty Early Childhood Sessions

Natural Start

In a trend that seems to mirror larger trends in our society, early childhood education is getting more and more attention in the broader field of enviornmental education. Next month, the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) will host its forty-third annual conference, which draws environmental educators from around the globe for the profession's largest gathering. This year, they will all meet in Ottawa October 8-12, and early childhood education will be on many attendee's minds. Last year's conference saw the launch of the Natural Start Alliance, and this year Natural Start is back, and is joined by Forest School Canada and a range of partners, collaborators, and presenters on a range of topics in early childhood environmental education. 
We've created a list of all the early childhood-related sessions for attendees, but thought the wider community might be interested to see the range of topics and presenters that will be there. And, maybe next year, this list will be even longer!
Forest and Nature School: Place, Play, and Inquiry-Based Education
Full-Day Workshop
Presenter(s): David Sobel, Antioch University New England;
Marlene Power, Forest School Canada
Engaging 10 Million Kids Outdoors: The Best of Best Practices
Presenter(s): Jessica Culverhouse, National Environmental Education Foundation
Every Child Healthy Outdoors (ECHO): A National Campaign for Communities
Presenter(s): Christy Merrick, North American Association for Environmental Education;
Linda L Rhoads, Alliance for Childhood
Developing Early Childhood Environmental Education Networks and Educator Training
Presenter(s): Kristen Glover, University of Florida
Morning Networking with the Natural Start Alliance
Christy Merrick, Natural Start Alliance, North American Association for Environmental Education;
Betty Olivolo, Natural Start Alliance, North American Association for Environmental Education
Early Childhood Environmental Education: Updates from the Natural Start Alliance
Christy Merrick, Natural Start Alliance, North American Association for Environmental Education;
Betty Olivolo, Natural Start Alliance, North American Association for Environmental Education
Playscapes: The “Third Teacher” for Early Childhood Environmental Education
Presenter(s): Victoria Carr, University of Cincinnati; Leslie Kochanowski, University of Cincinnati
Using Technology to Explore Preliterate Children’s Experiences of Nature
Presenter(s): Sara Raven, Kent State University; Vanessa Ann Klein, Kent State University
Connecting Environmental Education and Early Childhood Literacy
Presenter(s): April T Sawey, Botanical Research Institute of Texas
Transformative Journeys: Creating Sustainable Early Childhood Communities
Presenter(s): Sue Elliott, University of New England
Farm to Preschool: Starting Young Children on the Road to Sustainability
Presenter(s): M Linda Wellings, Shelburne Farms; Jed Norris, Shelburne Farms
A Nature-Based 4K Program Developed with a Public School District
Presenter(s): Scott Ashmann, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay; Michael L. Reed, Bay Beach
Wildlife Sanctuary
Overcoming Barriers to Outdoor Learning with Growing Up WILD
Presenter(s): Josetta Hawthorne, Council for Environmental Education; Marc LeFebre, Council for
Environmental Education
An Innovative Early Childhood Environmental Education Professional Development Initiative
Presenter(s): Yash Bhagwanji, Florida Atlantic University
Australian Bush Kinder: Connecting Children, Families, and Educators with Nature
Presenter(s): Sue Elliott, University of New England
Magic of a Stick: Joys of Learning Outside with Children
Presenter(s): Enid Elliot, Camosun College; Frances Krusekopf, Sooke School District
Toronto Kindergarten Students’ Understandings of Nature: Implications for the Future
Presenter(s): A. Elizabeth Beattie, University of British Columbia
An Innovative Multidisciplinary School Program for Ages 3 to Grade 12
Presenter(s): Dean Goodwin, Nancy Flanagan, Gregory Mentzer, Peter Bookman, 
Karen Barker, Sharon Kreamer--The Tatnall School
Nature Detectives: A STEM Camp Experience for Preschool Children
Presenter(s): Vanessa Ann Klein, Kent State University
Fun Green Lessons for Elementary School
Presenter(s): Jonathan Mayer, University of Florida/IFAS Extension Service



professional development