Fostering A Sense of Wonder During the Early Childhood Years

This book is based on the understanding that fostering a sense of wonder and appreciation for the natural world is important to the development of young children and the preservation of planet Earth. It is also based on the belief that experiences children have early in life impact the attitudes and behaviors they carry with them throughout their lifetime. This book is divided into four major sections. The first section outlines some ideas on what an early childhood environmental education program encompasses, addressing both what a quality environmental education program for preschoolers is and what it is not. The second part of the book is devoted to infusing environmental education into all aspects of the early childhood curriculum. Part three addresses special considerations in developing and implementing an early childhood environmental education program. The last section addresses program evaluation and offers a self-rating scale that can be used as a tool for evaluating and enriching one's own early childhood environmental program. An appendix offers several annotated bibliographies of related resources, one of which outlines resource materials for teachers, whereas a second bibliography presents books for children.