Dig In! Outdoor STEM Learning with Young Children

Dig In! Outdoor STEM Learning with Young Children
Dig In! Outdoor STEM Learning with Young Children
The authors invite readers to dig into early childhood theory and discover support for nature-based learning as a necessity for children's growth and development. A chapter on Indigenous Ways of Knowing about the land, teacher, and child is unique to the discussion. Dig In! Outdoor STEM Learning with Young Children will help you:
- Explore outdoor activities that will help meet early learning standards in literacy, math, and more.
- Learn how to adapt your curriculum or themes for outdoor learning.
- Gain insight on strategies, ideas, real-life examples, and information to help you get children outside and learning.
- Discover fresh ideas that will inspire creativity and innovative thinking.
The book is published by Gryphon House Publishing and is available wherever books are sold.