Member Spotlight
Environmental Nature Center Nature Preschool

The Environmental Nature Center was one of our first Member Spotlights in 2014. When we last checked in, ENC had big plans to expand and add a nature play space and the area’s first nature-based preschool. They’ve come a long way since then, but haven’t strayed from their mission to provide quality education through hands-on experiences with nature. The Nature Preschool maintains a massive interest from their community, with a waitlist of over 1700 families! When we asked if they’d share their marketing secrets, they gave nature 100% of the credit, saying that families recognize the value in their children spending time outdoors and developing a relationship with the natural world from a young age. Of course, it helps that the building received its Platinum LEED Certification from the U.S. Green Building Council, the highest designation available to buildings that demonstrate energy efficiency and sustainability, setting the program apart.
We wanted to learn more about the Nature Preschool--how it’s evolved since its launch, what’s working for them now, and their plans for the future--so we checked in with ENC Nature Preschool Director Vanessa Sener to ask her a few questions. Don’t miss her advice at the end for programs who are ready to take the first step toward sustainability!
Next year, the ENC is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Wow! What is the Center’s vision for the future?
The ENC is going through a strategic planning process right now and we’re likely going to be revising our mission statement to be “The ENC provides transformative experiences through connection with nature.” We are passionate about making our community’s experience in all our programs so impactful that it creates positive, permanent behavior change.
We start by trying to “be the change” we want to see.
The last 18 months have been particularly hard on a lot of people and programs. How has ENC continued to serve the community?
Our amazing community continues to support the ENC, and in turn, throughout the pandemic, we have done our best to support our local community. Along with the rest of the world, we began virtual engagements and field trips, followed by in person camps for essential working families and soon camps for all (following all health and safety protocols).
It is our hope that more preschools, early learning programs, and education providers at all levels recognize the value of this and incorporate nature-based play into their daily routines and philosophies. We always welcome schools to contact us so we can provide tours of our facility and share the benefits of learning in nature.
In your original Member Spotlight, you mentioned preschool teachers partnering with naturalists to create the best experience for students. Why do you think this works so well?
The Liaison Program pairs one Nature Center Naturalist with one of the three Nature Preschool classrooms. Naturalists, together with Nature Teachers, plan nature experiences based on the current curriculum and interests of the preschool class to develop a meaningful engagement that builds on what children already know. Naturalists visit the classroom at least 1-2 times each month, allowing preschoolers to develop ongoing relationships that we often see continue as children “graduate” from Nature Preschool and move on to ENC camp or other programs.
In fact, many of our parents were ENC Campers, ENC volunteers, or visited the ENC on school field trips when they were children. We look forward to continuing this tradition of connecting to our community throughout their lives as we enter 2022 and celebrate our 50th anniversary.
Earning LEED Platinum Certification is quite the accomplishment! Can you tell us more about that?
The preschool’s philosophy and play-based curriculum are embedded within its design. Children’s ideas and investigations are easily implemented because their classrooms open to a central courtyard, which connects to the Nature Playscape. Daily hands-on experiences with nature instill a deep intuitive understanding of nature and the natural world.
Do you have any advice or resource recommendations for programs looking to create greener spaces or incorporate more sustainable practices?
There are so many amazing resources available for programs looking to start small or go big! No effort is too small when it comes to incorporating sustainability into practice. Educating about the importance of native plant communities is key and essential for biodiversity, so start there!
The ENC Nature Preschool staff are very enthusiastic about sharing their model with administrators from a multitude of educational institutions from preschools to universities and welcome you to visit their website and reach out if you’d like to know more.